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Updated: 8 years 28 weeks ago

Philippines: Duterte Warns UN Probers: I'll Whack You in the

Thu, 08/18/2016 - 02:00
Philippine Star, 18 Aug 2016 - President Duterte scored the United Nations yesterday for hitting his aggressive anti-drug campaign, which he said has so far claimed the lives of 1,000 drug addicts and pushers. He complained that the UN is zeroing in on his administration's drug campaign when it was quiet on mass killings in other countries.

US NJ: NJ Weedman To Sue Over 'False Arrest'

Thu, 08/18/2016 - 02:00
The Trentonian, 18 Aug 2016 - TRENTON - Ed Forchion once brought new meaning to the words "high culture." The down-with-earth marijuana activist last year opened his own restaurant, NJ Weedman's Joint, providing Trenton with a unique blend of cannabis and cuisine.

CN BC: Mice Will Be Treated Properly: Researcher

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 02:00
Vancouver 24hours, 17 Aug 2016 - Mice Given Mushed Cannabis Mixed With Milk - They Won't Be Smoking Any Pot Researchers out of the University of B.C. are feeding lab mice pot and comparing the results to standard painkillers to see if cannabis will be more effective than regular medication in treating cancer-related nausea and pain.

US: Medical Pot Growers Shielded

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 02:00
Los Angeles Times, 17 Aug 2016 - Feds Can't Prosecute Them If They Follow State Law, Court Rules. A U.S. appeals court decided unanimously Tuesday that the federal government may not prosecute people who grow and distribute medical marijuana if they comply with state laws.

CN BC: City Shuts More Pot Shops

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 02:00
Penticton Western, 17 Aug 2016 - It is going to be some time before Penticton brings in bylaws dealing with medical marijuana dispensaries, if ever. On July 19, when they turned down Jukka Laurio's appeal of his business licence suspension for selling medical marijuana, council also gave staff 60 days to come back with options for regulations.

US MD: Escape From Planet Earth: Psychedelics, Religion, and

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 02:00
City Paper, 17 Aug 2016 - Most scientists don't include personal stories in their research reports, but for John Lilly, personal experiences and science experiments were the same thing. His ears, eyes, mouth, and nose were calibrated probes.

US CA: County Extends Medical Pot Moratorium

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 02:00
Porterville Recorder, 17 Aug 2016 - No One Speaks Against Extension Surprisingly, not one person spoke Tuesday for or against an ordinance which will extend the ban on new medical marijuana collectives or cooperatives in Tulare County.

CN ON: 'Grow-Your-Own' Regs Not A Threat: Producer

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 02:00
The Recorder & Times, 16 Aug 2016 - When you grow it yourself, it is what it is, and that won't always be good." SMITHS FALLS - Despite a federal decision giving Canadians the right to grow their own medical marijuana, Smiths Falls-based pot producer Tweed said it'll be business as usual at its converted chocolate factory here.

CN BC: Dispensary Licences Cancelled

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 02:00
Penticton Herald, 16 Aug 2016 - City council has now snuffed out the business licences for two more medical marijuana dispensaries. Following a pair of special appeal hearings Monday night, council voted by identical 5-2 tallies to cancel the licences for Avitas Pharmaco and Green Essence.

US CA: Butte County Supervisors to Decide Next Step on Pot

Mon, 07/25/2016 - 02:00
Chico Enterprise-Record, 25 Jul 2016 - Oroville - Pot proponents lost in the June election, but that hasn't stopped them from getting another initiative before the Butte County Board of Supervisors. The board will have to make a decision on the initiative Tuesday, along with mulling over an extension on a tax in Gridley and Biggs, increasing salaries for position in human resources and providing direction on green waste disposal at the dump.

US MA: Marijuana Dispensary Licenses To The Highest Bidder?

Mon, 07/25/2016 - 02:00
Boston Globe, 25 Jul 2016 - Massachusetts cities and towns are exacting increasingly hefty payments from medical marijuana dispensaries in exchange for letters the companies need to win state licenses, a Globe review of recent compacts shows. In Worcester, a dispensary promised to pay the city $450,000 over three years - and $200,000 a year after that - if officials gave their blessing to the business.

Philippines: 25,230 Drug Users, Pushers Surrender In MM

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Philippine Star, 24 Jul 2016 - At least 25,230 drug pushers and drug dependents have surrendered to police in Metro Manila since the government started its war on drugs, the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) reported yesterday. NCRPO director Chief Superintendent Oscar Albayalde also noted the significant decrease in street crimes in the metropolis with the implementation of both Oplans Tokhang and Double Barrel. Tokhang involves visiting the homes of suspected drug users and pushers and asking them to change their ways while Double Barrel refers to a two-pronged campaign to arrest drug lords and pushers.

Philippines: Church: Thou Shall Not Kill

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Philippine Daily Inquirer, 24 Jul 2016 - Message to Duterte to Coincide With Sona THOU shall not kill. The Sixth Commandment is the message for President Duterte that will emanate from a Mass which the Archdiocese of Manila will hold tomorrow afternoon as he delivers his first State of the Nation Address (Sona) to Congress.

US DC: 'How's Amanda?'

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Washington Post, 24 Jul 2016 - A Story of Truth, Lies and an American Addiction She had already made it through one last night alone under the freeway bridge, through the vomiting and shakes of withdrawal, through cravings so intense she'd scraped a bathroom floor searching for leftover traces of heroin. It had now been 12 days since the last time Amanda Wendler used a drug of any kind, her longest stretch in years. "Clear-eyed and sober," read a report from one drug counselor, and so Amanda, 31, had moved back in with her mother to begin the stage of recovery she feared most.

US CA: Marijuana The Focus Of Museum Exhibit

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Chicago Tribune, 24 Jul 2016 - OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) - It's known as Mary Jane, ganja, Chronic and even the sticky icky and has been featured in countless movies. Now, marijuana is the subject of a contemporary history and science exhibit. "Altered State: Marijuana in California," a one-of-its-kind museum exhibition focusing on the topic, is open through the summer at the Oakland Museum of California. Set against the backdrop of a California ballot measure this year asking voters to legalize marijuana's recreational use, the exhibition features artwork, political documents and posters, scientific displays, and interactive and multimedia exhibits all meant to spark questions and conversations about the provocative plant.

US TX: Study: Medical Marijuana Cuts Medicare Spending

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Austin American-Statesman, 24 Jul 2016 - Legislators who want to expand the use of medical marijuana in Texas - - as well as the green-seeking entrepreneurs who could benefit financially from more state-approved, pot-derived treatments for what ails Texans - might be able to lean on a new study to bolster their argument when the Legislature convenes in January. State senators and Texas House members undoubtedly will be looking for ways to save money next session, especially since the price of oil has dropped into an abyss, taking with it much of the state's oil-based tax revenue. They'll cut programs. They always do. But they also will search for savings.

Philippines: K-I-L-L: Duterte Spells Out Fate of Drug Lords

Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:00
Philippine Star, 24 Jul 2016 - With the focus of the intensified drug campaign now shifting to drug lords, President Duterte has clearly and literally spelled out his way of dealing with them: KILL. "It is spelled K-I-L-L. Bakit sabi mo kell? Bisaya eh (Why kell? It's Visayan)," he said, drawing laughter from his audience in Buluan in Maguindanao where he inspected a power plant operated by Green Earth Corp. last Friday.

US CO: A Colorado Town's Water Tests Positive For Marijuana

Sat, 07/23/2016 - 02:00
New York Times, 23 Jul 2016 - DENVER - There are no marijuana dispensaries or greenhouses in the tiny railroad town of Hugo, where Theodore Roosevelt once ate breakfast with the local cowboys. But this week, Hugo's 740 residents were told to stop drinking the water after the town's water supply tested positive for THC, the psychoactive chemical in Colorado's most famous cash crop. The trouble started when a local company trying to calibrate its employee drug tests pulled a positive reading from Hugo's tap water. The town's Public Works Department investigated and found signs of tampering and "forced entry" at one of the wells that supply the town's drinking water, a spokesman for the Lincoln County sheriff told reporters. The town sealed off the well that seemed to be the source of the tainted water.

US AR: Coalition Hosts Meeting About Medical Marijuana Proposal

Sat, 07/23/2016 - 02:00
Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette, 23 Jul 2016 - If passed, the Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act would be one of the most permissive medical marijuana measures in the country, Henny Lasley, a founding member of Smart Colorado, said Friday. Lasley was the headline speaker at a meeting of the Coalition for Safer Arkansas Communities held at the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce in Little Rock. The meeting attracted about 35 people, among them law enforcement officers, lawmakers and employees of treatment centers. The coalition says on its website that is an organization of parents, teachers, medical professionals, law enforcement officials, business owners and community leaders.

US CA: Proposed Pot Tax May Be Pulled

Sat, 07/23/2016 - 02:00
Los Angeles Times, 23 Jul 2016 - L.A. supervisors appear poised to nix measure that would help pay for homeless housing and services. Less than two weeks after voting to pursue a tax on marijuana businesses to help pay for housing and health services for the homeless, Los Angeles County supervisors appear poised to pull the measure from the November ballot.